The Chef, The Waitress…And The Kitchen Hand…

Well, that makes it official! We will soon be joined by our very own kitchen hand. Due August 7.

If you still have no idea what I’m talking about…WE’RE HAVING A BABY!!!

Yep, that’s right. We’re thirty weeks today and although it’s now common knowledge in the “real” world, we have not made it official in the “virtual” world. Not even on Facebook. Although someone joked that it’s not official until you’ve announced it on Facebook. What’s the world coming to?

Anyway I’m not sure what else to say? We’re obviously very happy, excited, nervous etc. And we haven’t found out the sex as we’re happy to keep it a surprise. And the pregnancy is going well however there have been some minor concerns so your prayers would be appreciated!

I’ll leave you with this picture, which I think about sums it up.

Pregnant(And that’s just my navel ring, my bellybutton hasn’t popped!)

18 thoughts on “The Chef, The Waitress…And The Kitchen Hand…

  1. Wow! Congrats to you both! What an exciting adventure you are embarking on! Wishing you all the best and praying those concerns would resolve quickly and without any more trouble.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Introducing The Kitchen Hand… | The Chef and the Waitress

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