Buckwheat Lavosh

There is only so much cake a savoury toothed person can eat.

I’d been craving cheese and crackers and i was so tempted just to eat some and suffer the consequences when i thought to myself, surely there is a recipe for buckwheat crackers? And lo and behold, there is. Even better, buckwheat lavosh.

The recipe is from Penny at Penniless Parenting and you can find it here. They are so yummy with cheese that I’ve actually just had them and cheese for dinner. I feel like a void in my eating life has been filled. And they are crowd pleaser too. We went camping with some friends a couple of weeks ago and we took the Organic Brie that we bought from Costco with us. We brought water crackers for everyone else and the buckwheat lavosh for me. However the girls and i were swimming and when we came back the boys had pretty much eaten all the buckwheat lavosh with the Brie and the water crackers hadn’t been touched!

The recipe is also so ridiculously easy. And it’s allergy free. There are only four ingredients and not many are allergic to any of them.  Penny also suggests experimenting with different flavours and so i will definitely be trying some out. Like Rosemary and Sea Salt. YUM.

Here’s a picture of my first attempt. I’m pretty proud!

Buckwheat Lavosh

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